Category by: Boğaziçi Agenda

Yale Alley Cats: A Night of Pop

In this event organized by BÜMK, Boğaziçi University guested world renowned Acapella group The Yale Alley Cats with the opening of Popapella, dear pop acapella group of Boğaziçi University. Popapella performed various songs from the pop world. From Michael Jackson to Kenan Dogulu, from Lady Gaga to Selena Gomez.

223 21.03.2023 Hanne Akkiraz READ MORE

A Folklore Show To Remember: Gecenin Ardından

After the Night presents the current political issues of Anatolia and surrounding peoples in a style full of stories for us, we start with a pigeon to the stories on the wall. Then we are accompanied by waves on this journey. In the last section, we feel the warmth of a strong fire from our seats. Bir duvar, bir çocuk. Duvarda hikayeler: güvercin, deniz ve ateş. Hikayeleri izleyen çocuk uzanıyor duvara. “Bak” diyor, “Neler anlatacağım sana.” Ve dünyada boy veriyor, büyümek isteyen ne varsa!

253 5.05.2023 Meyra Soylu READ MORE

What Is Happening at BUPAWS?

When you enter the North gate, Haydut is the first to greet you. You cannot reach the Northern pyramid without saying hi to Çiroz. The situation is not much different when going down the South slope. Every time, you get escorted to the South Square by Nala or Zeytin. Dogs and cats on our campuses will never leave you alone, even for a second. BUPAWS, responsible for the care of our friends, is facing a difficult situation.

257 16.03.2023 Öykü Efendi READ MORE

Jazz Night at Albert Long Hall

Attending a jazz concert can be an unforgettable experience for any music lover and I recently had the chance to attend a jazz choir concert performed by our music club, BÜMK. The performance of the choir has left me in awe and each song had a unique impact on me and evoked different emotions and feelings. The choir sang seven pieces without instruments and each piece had a unique flavour that made the concert an extraordinary experience.

252 13.05.2023 Meyra Soylu READ MORE

The Journey Through the ‘’Night’’: A Night of Music and Harmony

On 11.05.2023, The Classical Music Choir of Boğaziçi University’s Music Club, BÜMK, took the stage in Albert Long Hall for an unforgettable night of music. With the talent and passion of our fellow peers, the night was indistinguishable from any ‘’famous’’ acts that we see in the media. Their dedication, professionalism, and hard work were the key to this successful concert, and we felt the utmost privilege to experience this night with them.

397 12.12.2023 Gizem Akdoğan READ MORE

Unveiling the Elegance: Mesmerising Melodies in Albert Long Hall

How would you like to hear notes live, without any change of transit? Just you, a grand hall and 3 different beautiful instruments played by equally beautiful people.

299 7.01.2024 Işıl Selin Menekşe READ MORE

Issue #1, BoğaziçiMUN'25

The first issue of PRESENT at BoğaziçiMUN'25, dated 6/2/25.

31 6.02.2025 Güneş Tuğcu READ MORE

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