Category by: What's New

Srebrenica: How The World Watched Generations Passing Away

Being the worst atrocity Europe had seen since World War II, Srebrenica remains as a wound not only in Bosniak's hearts but also as a scar in many who had witnessed this horror even from their screens.

261 7.12.2021 İdil Çakmut READ MORE

World Environment Day

Each year on June 5th; governments, businesses, and citizens all around the globe celebrate the World Environment Day. The tradition started in 1974 to draw attention to urgent environmental issues

304 7.06.2021 Hülya Afat READ MORE

World Press Freedom Day

When we distribute 7 billion people into 195 countries and put them all on a geoid-shaped planet, we are left with a world that never sleeps. While one hemisphere gets ready for bed, the other half is already done with breakfast. Naturally, this system of ours forms a never-ending event cycle that never spoils itself with a break. When scientists are done developing a vaccine in Europe, a businesswoman in South America initiates a new company, while in the Middle East, politicians ratify new treaties. As a matter of fact, we individuals cannot follow all these events one-by-one, so as a result, humankind established a sector named press.

259 3.05.2021 İdil Çakmut READ MORE

23rd of April: A Day Dedicated to the Children

23rd of April is a special day known by every single people living in Turkey. It is a day to commemorate the establishment of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) in Ankara on the 23rd of April 1920, which also marked the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. However, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal - later to be given the surname Atatürk, which means "father of Turks," wanted this day to be dedicated to the children. As a result, from that point onwards, the 23rd of April has been celebrated as Children's Day.

236 5.04.2021 Ümit Altar Binici & Kaan Ertan READ MORE

Global Water Crisis

22nd of March is a special day: Global Water Day. On that day, the importance of water will be taught to kids by singing songs, drawing paintings at schools, while water resources are being poisoned. Special clothes for water will be bought, while cotton wastes water a lot. Considering these facts, today, a celebration of that day is not more than a birthday celebration

306 8.03.2021 Mert Cengiz READ MORE

The COVID-19 Vaccines: 2 Main Questions Addressed

COVID-19 vaccines that have been waited worldwide are just ready. Five main vaccines’ tests are just finished or currently undergoing the last phase. Now, everyone asks the same two questions: “Will the vaccines protect us from this disease?”, and “Will our country get vaccines as soon as possible?”. It can be seen as complicated as too much information circulates on the news and the Internet. Nevertheless, the answers are quite simple. Let us see what the answers are.

232 1.02.2021 Mert Cengiz READ MORE

COVID Response Friend or Foe? The Tricky Gamble of Reopening Schools

Even though Turkey managed to reduce its COVID-19 cases throughout the last summer, as of September 2020, the number of cases began rising again. While the number of cases is tied back to the early-May statistics, and as the published cases not being all patients, perhaps there are hundreds or thousands more COVID-19 patients around. Amid these events and the relentlessly escalating number of COVID-19 cases all over the country, the Turkish Minister of Education lighted the spots over the reopening of the schools.

271 2.11.2020 Ümit Altar Binici & Kaan Ertan READ MORE

Humanity vs Capitalism: Political Economy of Coronavirus

Political economy is the study of the interaction of politics and economics, which asks the question “How can optimal policies be achieved given the existing political constraints?”. Calculating what is best to do is in the field of economics, and implementing those calculations according to the political landscape in the most efficient way is the political economy’s work.

225 4.05.2020 Hülya Afat READ MORE

The “Genocide Olympics” of 2022

The People’s Republic of China is more than enthusiastic about hosting the Winter Olympics of 2022 in its capital city Beijing. However, many others are not so enthusiastic about this event. The opposers claim that China is not a suitable host for this event, citing various human rights abuses -including concentration camps, forced sterilization, suppression of religious rights- an overall totalitarian and corrupt regime, and an aggressive foreign policy. The question is, what is being done?

308 12.02.2021 Oğuz Kaan Kömürcü READ MORE

Biden is Building Back America: Infrastructure Bill Explained

“This Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind.” -The White House Press Release

240 13.12.2021 Hülya Afat READ MORE

What is Going On: Belarus-Polish Border

Freezing cold, lack of sleep, hunger and thirst. These are the difficult conditions from which the migrants at the Poland-Belarus border are suffering. From summer 2021 onwards, thousands of people, mostly from the Middle East with an overwhelming majority of men, are waiting at the border between Belarus and Poland in order to arrive in the European Union in which they hope to seek asylum. In recent years, the world faced different migration crises but this crisis has different aspects from the previous ones.

217 6.12.2021 Sena Balban READ MORE

Lights, Camera, Strike: Hollywood's Labour Nightmare

Picture this: Hollywood's biggest stars trading their scripts for protest signs as the WGA & SAG-AFTRA strike turns Tinseltown into a real-life drama-comedy fusion – lights, camera, action...on the picket lines!

357 1.01.2024 Güneş Tuğcu READ MORE

From Tradition to Modernity: Tracing the Evolution of Women's Fashion at "Mâzîden Âtîye Zarâfet" Exhibition

How would you like to take a look at history through the transformation in women's clothing? Embarking on a journey through time, we explored the captivating exhibition of women's clothing from the twilight of the Ottoman Empire to the nascent years of the Turkish Republic, called Mâzîden Âtîye Zarâfet, housed in the Abdülmecid Efendi Köşkü between 29 October 2023 and 17 March 2024.

315 16.01.2024 Beste Bingül READ MORE

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