When you enter the North gate, Haydut is the first to greet you. You cannot reach the Northern pyramid without saying hi to Çiroz. The situation is not much different when going down the South slope. Every time, you get escorted to the South Square by Nala or Zeytin. Dogs and cats on our campuses will never leave you alone, even for a second. BUPAWS, responsible for the care of our friends, is facing a difficult situation.
BUPAWS has been taking care of more than 70 dogs that have been living on the Boğaziçi University campus since 2002. Their methods are not like regular dog shelters, instead, BUPAWS’ main idea is to make people and the dogs of the campus live together in harmony. For this purpose, they have been actively conducting training about human-animal interactions, communications, and, animal rights. BUPAWS also actively tracks the well-being of the animals living under their care by working together with veterinarians.
So, what is happening at BUPAWS?
BUPAWS’ shelter site was confiscated by Presidential order on the grounds that it was too close to the Conquest of Istanbul Martyrs' Cemetery. The shelter has been a home for hundreds of sick and disabled animals for over 22 years. Our friends worked with volunteerism, solidarity, love for animals, and most importantly, the importance they attach to the right of all lives to live in peace and freedom. Now, they are being displaced.
Where are they sending these friends of ours?
They are taken from a happy home that volunteers built by hand, whose fences were painted by students and turned into a loving home, to an area where there is no electricity or infrastructure, but only cages. Moreover, the physical inadequacy of space is not “the only problem”. The owner who donated the area does not want these animals there! The lawsuit process will start as it is in violation of the donation protocol, the houses in the vicinity are already showing signs of discomfort and we cannot be sure how they will react to the sound caused by the presence of more than 70 dogs. This is a clear contradiction to the university's promise that "we are not displacing you, we are providing you with a better place". Unfortunately, it is hard to find the faith to believe those words, since we have all heard them before.
We have been saying goodbye to so many things from the university, from the Boğaziçi we remember, for the last few years. It is up to us to make sure that BUPAWS does not get lost among them. So, raise your voice and speak up.