We have gathered some questions about university life and Boğaziçi University that you have submitted through our Instagram Stories (@bogazicimun). Do not forget to follow and turn on the notifications to catch up on our following Q&A during the University Selecting Period to ask more of your questions! Let’s move on to the answers to your questions!
Why Economics?
That is a very fundamental question, and the answer can be pages long. However, we do not have that much space now. To put it simply, the rules of the capitalistic society we live in will be easier to comprehend and interpret. In addition to the Economic Models and Theories, you will be able to articulate your views more profoundly on social issues such as inequality, redistribution, (economic) freedom, etc. On the plus side, graduating from economics does not dictate your career. Especially Boğaziçi University Economics Department has many graduates working in various fields. For example; Gülse Birsel, Vedat Milor, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Seray Sever.
Is it harder to get in or graduate?
Preparing for the university exam is a different type of pressure since you were to be expected to decide upon your future at such a young age. However, the intensity and the total hours required to study for even a single course can be stressful (not as much but still close). Of course, not every course has this intensity, but the average hours I studied in a term for the past 4 years must exceed the average hours I studied during the last year of high school. Again, this is my experience, and studying requirements will vary depending on the department, university, even the elective courses you will choose. To directly answer your question, it was not more challenging to graduate than getting in. Still, university education can be defined as more intense and demanding than high school education.
How can I decide what career, university, the department is best suited for me?
Again, the pressure of deciding upon your future at such a young age can be borderline unbearable. In contrast, concerns for the future will not help with your decision-making during this period. Instead, you should focus on yourselves to get to know more about your interests and your expectations from your future. Do not forget everyone has their own unique path to achieve -sometimes- the same points. Also, viewing and comparing the university courses of the departments you selected as options could help determine your interests and the order of the schools in your preference list. You will have much more time and chance to choose the career best suited for you during the university years since you will meet new people and join new student clubs. The interaction and accumulation of others around you will help you get to know yourself better and easily decide upon your career.
Should the protests in the Boğaziçi University affect your university choice?
If you are not apolitical, your political views should affect your choices in life, not limited to but especially university. The current political conflicts in the Boğaziçi University show the resistance of the university members to the decisions made about the university without asking them. In contrast, the decision-makers are being ignored and punished by scholarship cuts of students, rejecting the selective courses of valued instructors, etc. However, if you think that “There are many universities that do not protest anything at the moment,” this shows those universities’ stance on the decisions dictated by the government on their university. Please keep in mind, most of the state-owned universities in Turkey are run by appointed Rectors instead of elected. If you think, “if there are no protests, that means no problem in the school,” you are undereducated about the political issues of today. Even though you are not considering choosing Boğaziçi University, please do your research about the political stability and the administrative status of the schools before making up your mind.